Future Homes and way forward
As we are seeing so many advancements in recent times there has been innovation on the lines of ensuring a sustainable future. The government across the globe has been talking about Smart Cities and the way forward a sustainable form of living.
Communities have to understand that no conservation effort is too small for a better sustaining future. With the rapid urbanization, we are seeing more cities coming up but only on the essence of creating a four-walled space for the people who will reside. But at the same time, we see an increase in the number of steps taken for making homes sustainable. The actions differ from the range of things for example- having solar panels for clean energy to having a green roof decked up with gardens on the rooftops.
But another possibility in the coming future for the living can be earth-sheltered homes.
These homes fuse the environment into a livable structure. With our country having a varied terrain the spaces like a hillside and the plains can be utilized to construct these unique structures. Their unusual structure assists in protecting the landscape and also guarantees an assurance against the severe climate. The inner surrounding provides insulation which ultimately helps in having a moderate temperature and reducing energy consumption leading to cost-cutting in the long run.
Types of earth-sheltered homes:
1.Underground Earth-Sheltered Homes
When an entire earth-sheltered house is constructed completely underground, it’s called an underground structure. A courtyard design can contain an underground house and yet render an open feeling. The windows and glass doors that are on the exposed walls facing the front can provide light, solar heat, outside views, and access via a stairway from the ground level.
2.Raised Earth-Sheltered Homes
A raised house can be built partly below ground, with the soils covering walls. This kind of structure helps in protecting and shielding the house as there are raised elevation from the climate fluctuations. This kind of raised emergence helps the movement of air within the house and also allows sunlight inside the house illuminating, ventilating and insulating it at the same time.
One of the merits of this kind of home is that the impact of excessive climate is analogously less when linked to a standard house in current times. The maintenance cost attached is low and the entire construction cost is minimized.
The main limitation of earth-sheltered houses is the initial cost of building it up, which can be up to 20% more than a conventional house, and the increased level of in-house, maintenance.
Site-Specific Factors for Earth-Sheltered Home Design:
The following determinants are needed to be analyzed before designing and building an earth-sheltered home.
Most of the time earth-sheltered houses are more cost-effective in climates that have significant temperature extremes and low humidity. It can be proposed in the Western Ghats and the North East region(hilly and plateau) as the construction site’s topography and climate determine how easily the building can be constructed.
Granular soils such as sand and gravel are most suitable for these kinds of homes. These soils compact thoroughly for sustaining the weight of the construction materials and are penetrable i.e. allows water to drain quickly.
3.Groundwater Level
The groundwater level is very significant. Natural drainage away from the building is the best way to avoid water pressure against underground walls. Plus the usage of rainwater harvesting can be tried in these kinds of buildings.
Other Construction considerations can include waterproofing, humidity, insulation, air exchange/air quality.
The cost-effectiveness of future homes must regulate the policies that safeguard ecological sustainability. And if done right there can be similar kinds of homes which will help in having a sustainable homes in contemporary times.
I came across this concept when I was researching a few architecture histories of the world in the past and in recent times. I came across this concept as to how the buildings were made in our past and what could be the future not limited to the smart cities. The idea of how it can be expanded in suburbs and villages(Even Bill Gates own one earth-sheltered house). These homes have been tries in a few states of the USA(For example Arizona). The government recognizes these types of houses as Efficient Earth-Sheltered Homes. The reason it has not become mainstream is because of the extended cost involved in it. The positive feedback from these types of setups is the insulation from the passive heat. The negative feedback from these types of houses is the generation of electricity and the sustenance in extreme climates(snow). There have been many positive cases in the United Kingdom and Iceland. One downside to this is not many ordinary people have been able to enjoy this kind of privilege to own or construct similar setups of earth sheltered homes.